The Building a Standardized Quantum-Safe Networking Architecture (BaSQuaNa) project is an open-source project in partnership between Canada and the United Kingdom which aims to develop the first transatlantic Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) network built on OpenQKDNetwork architecture . The Canada and UK sides of the project are hosted by the University of Waterloo in Waterloo and KETS Quantum Security in Bristol, respectively. 

BaSQuaNa endeavours to achieve a transatlantic QKD network by employing a quantum-encrypted satellite connection between two nodes in Waterloo and Bristol. The partners are designing a novel quantum-safe Hardware Security Module (HSM) box integrating QxEDGE technology onto KETS’ QKD chips which will implement the OpenQKDNetwork architecture. The HSM box will handle keys and run cryptographic algorithms developed as part of the liboqs library under the Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project, which Dr. Michele Mosca also helps to lead. The Canada and UK sides of the project previously had separate codebases, which are currently being merged - simulation over the merged codebase has so far been able to demonstrate synchronized sharing of quantum keys and encrypted files between two nodes.